Why Do We Brush at Least Twice a Day?

There are many things you can do to protect your teeth and gums. One of these things is simply brushing your teeth twice a day! But have you ever wondered why the recommendation is to brush twice a day instead of once? Keep reading to learn why!
Breakdown of Brushing Recommendations
As a general rule of thumb, we recommend that you brush at least twice a day. This can be once in the morning or once at night, or after you eat throughout the day. You should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and thoroughly brush all surface areas of your teeth. You can use either a manual or an electric toothbrush, whatever is easiest for you and helps you keep up with your brushing!
What Happens When You Don’t Brush at Least Twice a Day?
When you eat and drink throughout the day, food particles and sugars stick to your teeth. When you don’t brush twice throughout the day, these sugars and particles don’t get entirely removed from your teeth. These food particles mix with the bacteria in your mouth to form plaque. Plaque introduces some pesky problems that you definitely want to avoid. Plaque can harden and turn into tartar, leading to tooth and gum decay, gum disease, and other health issues. Plaque also contributes to acid on your teeth that cause cavities and damage to your teeth. These health risks are less likely to occur when you simply dedicate a few minutes out of your day to brushing your teeth!
Benefits of Twice-Daily Brushing
When you brush at least twice a day, you’re not only preventing serious health risks, but your teeth will look and feel much better! Brushing twice daily has proven to be more efficient at removing food particles from your teeth than brushing just once. Removing all the food and sugars from your teeth will leave your teeth feeling cleaner and healthier. Additionally, consistent brushing can help your teeth stay bright and white! Daily brushing means that you’re actively removing pigments from food and beverages that can stain your teeth. So, when you brush at least twice a day, you are helping your teeth remain clean, strong, and bright!
We’re Here to Help
Brushing is one of the best ways to keep your teeth clean and healthy. If you have questions or would like tips on brushing techniques, we’re more than happy to help! You can ask us during your next visit for tips and advice, or you can contact us to talk with us today or schedule an appointment!